Dr. Enrique Del Valle Iberlucea 1261
(a 10 metros de la Calle-Museo Caminito).
La Boca. (C1160ABM).
Buenos Aires - Argentina.
(5411) 4301-1497
[email protected]
[email protected]
Abierto de lunes a viernes de 11 a 18 hs. Sábados, domingos y feriados de 11 a 19 hs.
Sculptor, was born in the province of Mendoza, Argentina in 1935. At present he is Managing Director of the “Instituto Técnico de Restauro in São Paulo, Brazil, where he lives.
His extensive career, forces us to mention, by way of information, only some of his positions and carried out projects.
Occupied Positions: Restoration teacher in the Argentinean Institute of Museum-studies. Organizing director of the Restoration School, associated to the Conservation Department of the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Director of the Governmental Museum of Argentina. Founder and honorary president of the Argentinean Center of Restorers. Honorary Conservation Advisor of the Parliamentary Congress of the Argentinean Nation. Head of the Restoration Laboratory of the Federal Police Museum, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Co-founder of Museum Manuel Tellechea of Mineralogy and Geology in Mendoza. Director of the Mummification and Taxidermy Laboratory, Lujan, Province of Buenos Aires.